Home Gym Reviews


If you have  little bit of space, and want to save the cost in time and money of visiting a local gym, then we have some of the best home gyms reviewed here.  With gym costs increasing every year, and time becoming squeezed its easy to see the advantage of working out from home.

Here is a quick guide of what to look for in your next home gym:


These things can get quite big.  Some home gyms need 360 degree access and space around them for the workouts.  We would recommend dedicating a small room or garage to one of these in order that it can be used safely.


Depending on the budget some machines come with every conceivable workout built in.  In practice you will only use a fraction of these depending on your fitness goals.  There is no need to buy the biggest machine when a smaller one will fit your needs.  For example you could go for the weider ultimate body works as a simple machine to start your training with. Weider Ultimate Body Works

Number of Stations:

How many users will be on the Gym at once.  If its just for yourself then a single station is sufficient.  If you are planning on having more users then you should consider multiple stations, and weight stacks.

Maximum Weight:

If you dedicate to your exercises you will see great results, and the weight you can lift can quickly rise.  Some machines allow for additional weight to be added, such as the Bowflex Xtreme 2SE, out of the box it comes with 200lb of weight.  However this can be upgraded to 400 providing a much greater challenge.

Home Gym Reviews

Type of Weight:

The way in which the resistance is different from machine to machine.  There are the traditional stack, some use elastic bands, and others such as the bowflex use flexible rods.  Weights can be noisy when dropped, however elastic bands and rods are much quieter.


Home Gym reviews:

Bowflex Xtreme 2 SE Review

Bowflex PR1000 review

Bowflex Blaze Review

Bowflex Revolution Review