ffxi drk gear guide 2019ffxi drk gear guide 2019

so simply using synced CRIT+DET gear with enough CRIT+SkS pieces to reach your Usually you will want to use this on cooldown just for more stats. It's just worded funny. At Lv.10 you get your first Attack Bonus, which puts you into position of damage-dealer right away. This gives Seriously, its annoying. Absorb-TP (45): This is a a fun spell, it allows you to steal TP from the enemy and give it to yourself. Example would be 528 delay and 18% haste at 165 dmg is, 528 x 0.18 = 95.04 so 528-95.04=432.96 then 432.96/60=7.216 so 165 dmg every 7.216 seconds is 165/7.216=22.86 damage per second. Even so, its not all that good. melding menu. On the side of good news, though, these levels are when you get some of your most awesome spells and weapon skills. Items like Defending Ring are near impossible to get and items like Resentment Cape can be used in certain areas. If you have 2 Marches in your tank party you can shed off another 9%~ in equipment haste for more enmity. Dark Knight, like Warrior is able to use many different kinds of weapons. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Defensive/Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Defensive) section], VI-4. The DPS requirement for the encounter is However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. Apocalypse - The king of Dark Knight weapons, this is the relic scythe and is probably the single biggest power increase a relic weapon can provide to a job. Curty: That's what I meant when I said it can contend with the both of them, lol. Some general tips I would recomend for every DD job not just Drk is to always get your affordable major accuracy pieces as soon as they are available, that's Sniper's Ringx2 at 40, Life Belt at 48, and Haubergeon at 59. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide. With an enormous amount of dexterity and agility, landing hits is easy as pie, and avoiding them is a bit easier too. You can mould yourself into any kind of Dark Knight you want from this point, since you have decent of every stat. This set replaces five Direct Hit X materia with Skill Speed in order to This is a game changer, 10% haste is an unheard of amount of haste on a single item and it allows Dark Knight to effortlesly cap at 25% equipment haste while unequipping pieces of Haste gear for more STR, attack, accuracy, or other stats. Weapon Grade: B- Since HP and MP are more balanced with Mithra, you can deal a large amount of damage with Souleater, while draining it all back. Try to setup Dread Spikes timings, where you can safely drop your shadows and let the mob hit you for a few rounds to take a bunch of damage, or you can save Dread Spikes for scarier parts of the fight when you think Utsusemi might not be enough damage mitigation. won't overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the It's also very useful as a support job for Red Mage in end-game scenarios with Stun. syncing down, these sets are currently unmodified patch 6.1 savage sets; they Ill be honest, I used to really think this armor set was a load of hooey until I took the time to look into it better. Anything that raises your HP can be very useful for Soul Eater. Samurai sub also offers defensively utility in Seigan, which allows you to mitigate most incoming single target attacks. The gimmick behind Tredecim Scythe is that it should automatically crit every 13th swing, adding essentially a 7.69% crit rate ontop of the weapon. Should probably have one for pulling in case you have to anyway. Your first step to get your Raven Scythe is to go to Bastoks Metalworks and talk to Raibaht in Cids lab. You can increase the HP convert from 10% to 12% with one of the three Souleater enhancing items (AF Head, Gloom Breastplate, or Sable Cuisses). Bring a friend with you, as you will combat a notorious monster at this point. Next is your body piece. This is the recommended set for DSR and aligns nicely with each phase. Dark Knight is a strange job while leveling, Scythe, the signature weapon, is actually really bad until level 60 and even casting spells is largely a waste of time. Regardless of your ACC+ ability. These sets are for those needing to maximize their damage output in order to Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. This set is intended for compatibility with the UCoB set and does not require You have people worried about parses, all while they're running auto-buff and auto-wswhat are you doing? A full team of eighteen Lv.75 Dark Knights using Kraken Clubs can take down even Kirin before he summons his minions. and head. Dark Knight abilities generate a lot of hate when used. and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that won't Overview of Job Abilities, Traits, and Spells. And though you have low HP, with Drain II later on, you can potentially increase your HP higher than even a Galkas. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide. Im kidding, of course. Last Resort (15) 5:00 Recast - Increases your attack by 15% and lowers your defense by 15%. For T2 Odin, refer to this page for battle pattern and rewards. It's hard to overstate just how important this merit is, and it should always be your first capped job merit. This set is recommended along with the 2.50 set and has the best If you can't get an item with Fire Resist, equip whatever your best item is from the MDT set. and 120-second cooldowns and should minimize rotational drift. This playstyle has almost entirely vanished on Eden, as with proper gearing and buffing, even on the hardest mobs you will likely have buffs and be able to just sub Sam or Nin to melee the mob down, which results in far more damage than the spike of SAWS. Warrior is the sub job you will use while leveling before Samurai comes into play. loses around 1.5% total damage output compared to the other sets. Notable Weaponskills: Guillotine (DRK Exclusive, level 60), Spiral Hell (DRK level 68). If you have cleared the Dragonsong's Reprise already and have a Thank you Mims, i'm going to be playing DRK for awhile as I always liked the job so I will take this into account. Again, youll be hard-pressed finding parties, but now youll be even better in them. Drain (10): Dark magic spell that drains HP from the enemy, this is actually a pretty strong nuke and you will use this a lot. Drain scales well and can be used as a strong magic nuke option at 75 even, allowing Drk to play a hybrid backline style not entirely dependent on physical damage. However, some other leg wear are better (lv55 ones are great). This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use earth spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barstonra/Earth Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. Additionally replace the chest or pants if you wish to run Required Total Job Points Spent. Direct Hit, and two Direct Hit IX replaced with Det (or one each of Direct Hit is also provided for those who aren't comfortable with very slow speeds, but it You should also be working on the quested WSs for every weapon you can use on DRK. Great Sword becomes a very appealing choice at lv66 for a Drk due to. When subbing Warrior, get yourself an Axe Belt for higher skill in them than even your Scythes and Great Swords. This is good sometimes, and literally useless sometimes, and deciding between this and Last Resort Recast is a challenge all Dark Knight's face. If not all the way to Lv.75, then at least to Lv.50 or so. This ability is okay, it's a relatively strong temporary attack boost you can slip in before a big WS. This set is going to be the set you sit in when you are going to get hit, or just a standing around set for defensive purposes. A 2.40 GCD set is also provided for those who . When this works, the scythe will be amazing. It could also evoke memories of that one Dark Knight you partied with that just couldnt control his Souleater usage and constantly killed himself. The biggest reason for this is the ability Hasso, which is a 100% uptime +10% Haste, +10 Accuracy, and +5 Strength. Are there any monsters in C that resist slashing more than 50% and at the same dont resist blunt, beside skeletons? One cool thing most people don't know about this ability is that with 5/5 you don't need to use Hasso while it's up (because job ability haste caps at 25%) so you can use Seigan+Third Eye for defense. If you need more accuracy you can use items like Toreadors Ring and Aces Helm. desired GCD speed is perfectly adequate. savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. I know great sword for zerging and scythes for skillchaining. Though if you have decent gear, you can probably tank Lv.10-15. Again, it lasts five minutes with a one-minute recast, and again, it will double recasting time on spells. Your main support job. Your guide ties things up beautifully. much easier to meet currently than on release due to potency and system changes, It also gives Warcry, which is a high level job ability (when subbed) that gives everyone in the area effect a boost to attack power; perfect for just before a skillchain is started. Summary - The Gear Here is the best defense-wise for your level, the Courage and Balance rings are interchangeable and moreso since DEX+1 = ACC+1 since a previous update. A pretty weak ability, if you remember to use it while fighting any arcana-type mob you and your party members will have a chance to intimidate the mob. A single piece of gear can often make up for a race's negligible lack in a stat. Following the path west, head to H-7. Healers will hate you if you abuse this too much, so please pay attention to their MP and use Souleater when it makes sense to use. Contents 1 Blackest Dark Knight 2 Job-Race Combinations 2.1 Hume 2.2 Elvaan 2.3 Tarutaru You can only get this quest once you are Lv.30 or higher. Third Eye, acquired at Lv.30 allows you to anticipate any attack directed at you, is increased by a ton when used in conjunction with Seigan acquired at Lv.70. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't Hit and one Skill Speed materia in the ring and two Critical Hit materia in the If you choose Hume to be your Dark Knights race, you will greatly enjoy decent accuracy, attack, and magical damage. All FFXI content and images 2002-2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Tredecim Scythe - This scythe is bad..currently. For those wishing to run 2.50. DRK_2022_Guide_V2 (1).docx. If you're straight up DDing it may not be optimal damage, but it can help with healer MP in certain situations to heal yourself. General stat priority is followed, with three Direct Hit melds This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. Maybe. The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan It will then say Additional Effect: 100 HP drained from the Target. It won't actually drain the target's HP, but you will restore your own. Apoc VS Calad: Fenrir.Puciato: 34: 2262: 4 years 1 month. UWU syncs to ilvl375, and synced gear must be item level 500 or higher for Description. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Magic) section], [Click header for Events & Current Endgame section], [Click header for Other Resources and Tools section]. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. Weapon Grade: A+ This spells damage scales with Dark Magic Skill up until a cap of 300 and then stops, after that just gear for magic accuracy via INT, skill, and raw magic accuracy items. Classic FFXI community is a FANDOM Games Community. Hasso, Lv.50, boosts your strength by between 3-5 (when subbed), increases your accuracy by 5, and gives you 10% quicker attack speed. Congratulations! enjoys progging, optimizing, and instructing others on the job, and has Traveler's Mantle. The stats alone are incredible, highest damage, good delay, and accuracy+20 allows for some deep gear swapping away from accuracy. CE stands for Cumulative Enmity, this is enmity that doesn't degrade over time and you can only lose by taking damage, hate resetting moves, losing shadows, or being enfeebled. It depends on the situation, the healer's ability to support the Souleater usage, and many other things. Unrestricted Party and Minimum IL options enabled. No powerful available weaponskills severely limits the damage potential of the weapon. This set has similar theoretical output to the 2.45 set, but tends to miss Practical only in the earlier levels where the difference between the skill tiers isn't so great. The difference between Paladin's Job Abilities and Dark Knight is that Dark Knight's abilities reduce survivability. You can 4-step (and more), and it will always beat a Liberator if you're geared/have enough buffs to do it consistently; which is most of the time. Aeonic Im working on lionheart for my runefencer. more than 184 points into each substat for optimum efficiency. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. It has enormous single hit damage and specializes in low level Black Magic instead of White Magic. They give a fancy Weapon Bash damage boost +10, as well as a nice +3 dexterity for landing hits. Not sure how many people have done this, but I wanted to master DRK on an alt, to have a new job to play with. It basically trades-in a small portion of your damage over time for survivability and hate control, but only works well Lv.60 and higher. Per attack, you can deal up to about 1600 damage. user . Within the scope of FFXI, DRK is a Heavy DD (because of its use of heavy armor and whose primary weapons are two-handed great swords and scythes). Other then that you are actually hurting yourself because you only have 1 useful spell that becomes obsolete if you end up getting silenced anyway. Secondly, Acid Bolts lower the targets defense for your already high-powered weapon skills. Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. I appreciate the in-depth bossing section, as well as the miscellaneous tips you sprinkle in throughout the guide. With your mostly useful artifact equipment in hand, the time is now to begin the last fifteen levels. Me, Id be Absorb-DEX all the way, but Im just an accuracy nut. Damage output is near-identical to the 2.50 I wish I had this guide when I first started. A great alternative for any Dark Knights support jobs. I own Liberator and Ragnarok Afterglows, and will eventually get Apoc when I stop being lazy. You know, starting fights with debuffs, kicking ass, then Souleater + Weapon Skill near the end. Last Resort Effect - This increases the attack effect of Last Resort by 10% when fully merited, so 25% attack bonus. Determination. do -10% PDT on cape instead of -dt you can drop defending ring for another moonlight.

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