how to pronounce philippi in the biblehow to pronounce philippi in the bible

This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God's word. Then have then repeat Shaddai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shalmane'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. Heb. mahr-KHESH-vahn] * [ Marcion*; Marcionite* - - w83 9/15 12 - MAHR-shuhn; MAHR-shuh-ni t, -see-uh-, -shee-uh-] * [ Marduk] * [ (aka Bel, Merodach) - ("Merodach" in NW) - Jeremiah 50:2 By, CEV, NE, TEV (h4781) - MAHR-dyook, -dook] * [ Mari* - - it "Amorite" - MAH-ree] * [ Mark - Mark (Bible book) - Acts 12:12 (g3138) - MAHRK] * [ Martha - Martha, it Mar'tha - Luke 10:38 (g3136) - MAHR-thuh] * [ martyr] * [ (witness in most Bibles) - ("witness" in NW) - Revelation 2:13 KJ (g3144) - MAHR-tuhr] * [ Mary - Mary, it Ma'ry - Matthew 1:18 (g3137) - MAIR-ee, MAR-ee, MER-ee, MAY-ree] * [ Masada* - - it "Jerusalem Destroyed by the Romans" p. 751 - muh-SAH-duh, Heb. Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. Caesar Augustus SEE-zer-uh-GUHS-tuhs, Caesarea Philippi zeh-suh-REE-uh-fil-LIH-pai, Caiaphas KAY-uh-fuhs, Cain kayn, Cajetan KADZH-uh-tuhn, Calasanz KAL-uh-sahnz, Caleb KAY-lehb, Callistus cuh-LIHS-tuhs, Calneh KAHL-nuh, Camillus de Lellis cuh-MIHL-uhs-deh-LEHL-ihs, Cana KAY-nuh, Canaan KAY-nuhn, Canaanites KAY-nuh-naits, Candace kan-DAY-see, Canisius kuh-NEE-shuhs, Capernaum kuh-PERR-nay-uhm, Capistrano kah-pih-STRAHNO, Cappadocia kap-ih-DO-shee-uh, Carians KAY-rih-uhnz, Carmel kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carnelian kahr-NEEL-yuhn, Carpus KAHR-puhs, Casimir KAZ-ih-mer, Cecilia suh-SEEL-yuh, Cenacle SEHN-uh-kl, Cenchreae SEHN-kree-ay, Census SEHN-suhs, Centurion sehn-TSHOOR-ee-uhn, Cephas SEE-fuhs, Chaldeans kal-DEE-uhnz, Chebar KEE-bahr, Chemosh KEE-mahsh, Cherubim TSHEHR-oo-bihm, Chilion KIHL-ee-ahn, Chislev KIHS-lehv, Chloe KLO-ee, Chorazin kor-AY-sihn, Chrism KRIH-sm, Chronicles KRAH-nih-kulz, Chrysologus kirh-SAHL-uh-guhs, Chrysostom KRIHS-uhs-tuhm, Chuza KOO-zuh, Cilicia sih-LIHSH-ee-uh, Claret KLEHR-eht, Claudius KLAW-dee-oos, Cleopas KLEE-o-pas, Clopas KLO-pas, Colossae ko-LAH-see+or+koh-LOSS-ee, Colossians kuh-LAH-shihnz, Columban kuh-LUHM-bun, Coriander kawr-ee-AN-der, Corinth KAWR-ihnth, Corinthian kawr-IHN-thee-uhn, Cornelius kawr-NEE-lee-uhs, Cosmas KAHZ-muhs, Counselor KAUN-seh-ler, Covenant KUH-vah-nunt, Crescens KREH-sihns, Cretans KREE-tihnz, Crete kreet, Crispus KRIHS-puhs, Cushite CUHSH-ait, Cyprian SIH-pree-un, Cyprus SAI-pruhs, Cyrene sai-REE-neh, Cyrenean sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrenian sai-REE-nih-uhn, Cyrus SAI-ruhs. Below are the English definition details. Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! Heb. But in order to distinguish it from the Caesarea on the sea coast, he added to it subsequently his own name, and called it Caesarea-Philippi (q.v.). peekiegng, peakeignt, piqueint, how to say pakeyng, piakiegng, pakeignt, piaking, pekeyng, piqueiegng, pekeignt, piakint, peekeyng, peakiegnt, peekeignt, peakeigng, piakeyng, pakiegnt, piakeignt, pakeigng, peakeynt, pekiegnt, piqueeignt, pekeigng, pakeynt, peekiegnt, peakiegng, paking, peking, peeking, peakint, pakint, pekint, peekint, speak1ng, tramslationtrans1at1om, translat1om, translatiom, tramslatiom, tramslatino, tramslatoin, tramslaiton, tramsltaion, tramsaltion, tramlsation, trasmlation, trmaslation, tarmslation, rtamslation, tramslatio, tramslatin, tramslaton, tramslaion, tramsltion, tramsation, how to say tramlation, traslation, trmslation, tamslation, ramslation, tramslation,saying, seighing, seighint, sayint, say1ng, sayimg, sayign, saynig, saiyng, syaing, asying, sayin, sayig, sayng, saing, sying, aying, understanding, understandig, unerstanding, undrstandint, undrstanding, undrstandyng, undestanding, undrstandynt, undertanding, undersanding, understnding, understading, understaning, understandng, uderstanding, understandint, understandyng, understandynt, undelstanding, undelstandint, undelstandyng, undelstandynt, understand1ng, umderstanding, understandign, understandnig, understanidng, understadning, understnading, undersatnding, undertsanding, undesrtanding, undrestanding, unedrstanding, udnerstanding, nuderstanding, understandin, nderstanding, phonetics, phonetic, fonetics, fonitics, phonedics, ponetics, fonedics, phnetics, phoetics, phontics, phoneics, phonetcs, phonetis, phonitics, fonetik, phonitic, fonitic, ponetic, phonitik, phnetic, fonitik, phoetic, phonedic, phontic, phonedik, phoneic, fonedic, phonetc, fonedik, phonetik, fonetic, fonet1cs, phonet1cs, phometics, phonetisc, phonetcis, how to say phoneitcs, phonteics, phoentics, phnoetics, pohnetics, hponetics, honetics, n1spromouc1ng, nispromoucing, mispromoucing, mispronoucign, mispronoucnig, mispronouicng, mispronocuing, mispronuocing, misproonucing, misprnooucing, mispornoucing, misrponoucing, mipsronoucing, msipronoucing, imspronoucing, mispronoucin, mispronoucig, mispronoucng, mispronouing, mispronocing, mispronucing, misprooucing, misprnoucing, misponoucing, misronoucing, mipronoucing, mspronoucing, ispronoucing, mispronoucing, n1spromouce, nispromouce, mispromouce, mispronouec, mispronocue, mispronuoce, misproonuce, misprnoouce, mispornouce, misrponouce, mipsronouce, msipronouce, imspronouce, mispronouc, mispronoue, mispronoce, mispronuce, misproouce, misprnouce, misponouce, misronouce, mipronouce, mspronouce, ispronouce, mispronouce, bibical, bilical, bblical, biblcal, biblicl, biblical, biblial, bibrical, bybrical, biblicar, byblicar, bibricar, bybricar, byblical, b1b11ca1, b1bl1cal, biblicla, bibliacl, biblcial, bibilcal, bilbical, bbilical, ibblical, biblica, iblical, koran, korin, kolin, koren, kolen, kolan, koram, korna, koarn, kroan, okran, "jewish, jew1sh, jewihs, jewsih, jeiwsh, jweish, ejwish, jewis, jewih, jewsh, jeish, jwish, ewish, 1a1yreader, lalyreader, lalyreadre, lalyreaedr, lalyredaer, lalyraeder, lalyerader, lalryeader, laylreader, llayreader, allyreader, lalyreade, lalyreadr, lalyreaer, lalyreder, lalyrader, lalyeader, lalreader, layreader, llyreader, alyreader, pastor, paster, pastur, pastol, astor, astur, aster, astol, pasto, pastro, pasotr, patsor, psator, apstor, pastr, pasor, pator, pstor, priust, pliust, prest, plest, pleis, prius, plius, preis, plies, pries, prize, preist, priest, pleist, pliest, pr1est, priets, priset, pirest, rpiest, priet, prist, piest, riest, rabbi, rabi, rabby, raby, labbi, labi, labby, laby, rab1, rabib, rbabi, arbbi, written, wrtten, writtn, writeign, writtin, wlitteign, writtan, wliteign, writin, writtiegn, writan, writiegn, wlittin, wlittiegn, wlittan, wlitiegn, wlitin, wlitan, writteign, writen, wlitten, wliten, witten, wittan, witin, witan, witteign, witeign, wittiegn, witiegn, wittin, witen, wr1t3n, wr1t3m, wr1ten, writtne. 2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. SEE-mih-] * [ Seneca* - - w95 10/1 32 - SEN-ih-kuh] * [ Sennacherib - Sennach'erib - 2 King 18:13 (h5576) - suh-NAK-uh-rib, -ruhb] * [ Sepharad - Sephar'ad - Obadiah 20 (h5614) - suh-FAR-ad, suh-FAHR-ad (some sources SEF-uh-rad, suh-FAY-rad)] * [ Sephardi* - - - suh-FAHR-dee] * [ Sephardic* - - sh 216 - suh-FAHR-dik, not shuh-] * [ Sephardim* - - it "Ashkenaz" - suh-FAHR-duhm] * [ Sepharvaim - Sepharva'im - Isaiah 36:19 (h5617) - sef'uhr-VAY-im, sef-ahr-VAY-im] * [ Sepharvites - Se'pharvites - 2 Kings 17:31 (h5617) - SEE-fahr-vi ts, SEF-uhr-vi ts] * [ Sepphoris* - - it "Nazareth" - SEF-uh-ris] * [ Septuagint* - - it "Versions" - SEP-too-uh-jint', -tyoo-, SEP-choo-jint'] * [ sepulcher or sepulchre] * [ (burying[-]place, grave, monument, resting place, tomb in some Bibles) - ("burial place" in Genesis 23:6 NW; "tomb" in Acts 2:29 NW) - Genesis 23:6 KJ (h6913); Acts 2:29 KJ (g3418) - SEP-uhl-kuhr] * [ Seraiah - Serai'ah - Jeremiah 51:61 (h8304) - see-RI -uh, seh-RI -uh, suh-RI -uh] * [ seraph] * [ (pl. When we speak naturally, we slide from the end of one in word into some others. PARTment, PARTment, PARTment. Heb. Samothrace Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary Scribd It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. RewriteEngine On Pronunciation of Philippi is with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Philippi is. ne'phesh) - Genesis 1:30 ftn., it "Soul" - NEF-ish (listen)] * [ Nephilim] * [ (giants in some Bibles) - Neph'ilim - Genesis 6:4 (h5303) - NEF-uh-lim, NEF-ih-lim] * [ Neptune*] * [ (compare Poseidon) - - sh 43 - NEP-tuhn, NEP-tyuhn] * [ Nereus - Ne'reus - Romans 16:15 (g3517) - NEE-ruhs, NIR-ee-uhs, NEE-rih-yoos] * [ Nergal - Ner'gal - 2 Kings 17:30 (h5370) - NUHR-gal, -gahl, -guhl, NUHR-gawl] * [ Nergal-sharezer - Ner'gal-share'zer - Jeremiah 39:3 (h5371) - nuhr'gal-shuhr-EE-zar, nuhr'guhl-, nuhr'gawl-shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Neriah] * [ (Neri, Nerijah, Neriyah in some Bibles) - Neri'ah - Jeremiah 32:12 (h5374) - nuh-RI -uh, nih-, nee-] * [ Neriglissar* - - it "Nergal-sharezer" - nuhr'ig-LIS-uhr] * [ Nero* - - it "Caesar" - NEE-roh', NIHR-oh] * [ Nethanel] * [ (Nethaneel in some Bibles) - Nethan'el - Numbers 7:18 (h5417) - nih-THAN-uhl (nih-THAN-ee-uhl in some Bibles)] * [ Nethinim - Neth'inim - 1 Chronicles 9:2 (h5411) - NETH-ih-nim] * [ Nevi'im* - - sh 220 - nih-vih-EEM, Seph. el.y = ns ? Everything about How To Pronounce Philippi In The Bible has been great. First of all, what is bible pronunciation? Achaemenids) - - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. PHILIPPI fl' p ( , city of Philip ). RewriteBase / Have you ever observed that it is not as much WHAT you say, as HOW you say it? For example, when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we usually link the final consonant sound to the front of the next word. how to pronounce philippi in the bible. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity example and Example are not the same locations. Right click on the X and choose Properties. RewriteRule . This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of Gods word. seraphim) - seraphs - Isaiah 6:2 (h8314); it "Seraphs" - SER-uf, -af; pl. document.write('

') Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. From Bible commentaries, to study tools, be sure to check out our complete reference list of books that will help you as you study and teach God's word. mih-DRO-shim] * [ Migdol] * [ (tower in some Bibles) - Mig'dol - Ezekiel 29:10 (h4024) - MIG-dol] * [ miktam] * [ (also michtam)] * [ (michtam, Secret Treasure, writing in some Bibles) - mik'tam - Psalm 16 superscription (h4387) - MIK-tam] * [ Milcah - Mil'cah - Genesis 11:29 (h4435) - MIL-kuh, MIL-kah] * [ milch - ("giving suck" in NW) - Genesis 32:15 AS, DRB, KJ (h3243) - MILCH, MILK, MILKS] * [ Milcom - Mil'com - 1 Kings 11:5 (h4445) - MIL-kuhm, MIL-kom] * [ Miletus - Mile'tus - Acts 20:15 (g3399) - mi -LEE-tuhs] * [ millenarianism* - - w99 12/1 6 - mil'uh-NAIR-ee-uhn-iz'uhm] * [ Millennial*] * [ (Reign of Christ) - - it "Kingdom of God" - muh-LEN-ee-uhl] * [ millennialism* - - w99 12/1 6 - muh-LEN-ee-uhl-iz'-uhm] * [ millennium*] * [ (also Millennium) - - w99 12/1 7 - muh-LEN-ee-uhm] * [ mina] * [ (coin, money, pound in some Bibles) - mi'na - Luke 19:16 (g3414) - MI -nuh] * [ Minerva* - - g97 11/8 27 - muh-NUHR-vuh] * [ Minuscule* ("cursive" manuscript) - - si 310 - MIN-uh-skyool, mih-NUHS-kyool] * [ Miriam - Mir'iam - Exodus 15:20 (h4813) - MIR-ee-uhm] * [ mischievous - - Psalm 21:11 KJ (h4209); Psalm 38:12 AS, Da, KJ (h1942); Ecclesiastes 10:13 AS, DRB, KJ (h7451)) - MIS-chuh-vuhs, MISH-; (nonstandard spelling and pronunciation: mischievious : mis-CHEE-vee-uhs, mish-)] * [ Mishnah*] * [ (also Mishna) - - sh 221 - MISH-nuh] * [ Mishael - Mish'ael - Daniel 1:6 (h4332) - MISH-ay-uhl, MISH-ay-el] * [ Mithra*] * [ (also Mithras) - - g88 12/8 18 - MITH-ruh; MITH-ras] * [ Mithraic* - - w94 12/15 5 - mith-RAY-ik] * [ Mithraism* - - w79 12/15 3 - MITH-ruh-iz'uhm] * [ mitre] * [ (diadem, turban in some Bibles) - ("turban" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:26 AS, Da, Yg (h4701) - MI -tuhr] * [ Mitylene - Mityle'ne - Acts 20:14 (g3412) - mit'uh-LEE-nee, mit'uh-LEE-nuh] * [ Mizpah] * [ (Mizpeh in some Bibles) - Miz'pah - Judges 11:11 (h4709) - MIZ-puh, MIZ-pah] * [ Mizar] * [ (little [hill] in DRB) - ("little" [mountain] in NW) - Psalm 42:6 AS, KJ, Yg (h4706) - MI -zahr] * [ Mizpeh] * [ (see also Mizpah) - Miz'peh - 1 Samuel 22:3 (h4708) - MIZ-puh] * [ Mizraim - Miz'raim - Genesis 10:6 (h4714) - MIZ-ree-uhm, MIZ-ray-im, Heb. (g3056) - LOH-gos, -gahs', LOH-gohs'] * [ Loki* - - w52 12/15 741 - LOH-kee] * [ Longimanus* - - dp 53 - lon-jim-AY-nuhs, lawng-juh-MAH-nuhs] * [ loquacious] * [ (full of talk, great talk, loose-tongued, [man] of lips in some Bibles) - ("boaster" in NW) - Job 11:2 JPS (h8193) - loh-KWAY-shuhs] * [ Lo-ruhamah] * [ (compare Ruhamah) - Lo-ruha'mah - Hosea 1:6 (h3819) - loh'roo-HAY-muh] * [ Lucifer] * [ (bright morning star, day-star, morning star, shining one, shining star in some Bibles) - ("shining one" in NW) - Isaiah 14:12 KJ (h1966) - LOO-sih-fuhr, -suh- ] * [ Lucius - Lucius, it Lu'cius - Acts 13:1 (g3066) - LOO-shee-uhs, LOO-shuhs] * [ Lud - Lud - Isaiah 66:19 (h3865) - LUHD] * [ Ludim] * [ (Lud, Lydians in some Bibles) - Lu'dim - Jeremiah 46:9 (h3866) - LOO-dim] * [ Luke - Luke (Bible book) - Colossians 4:14 (g3065) - LOOK (rhymes with "duke," "juke")] * [ lunisolar* - - it "Calendar" - luh'nih-SOH-luhr, -lahr'] * [ Lupercalia* - - g95 2/8 27 - loo'puhr-KAY-lee-uh, -KAYL-yuh] * [ luxuriant - luxuriant - Deuteronomy 12:2 (h7488) - luhg(')-ZHUR-ee-uhnt, luhk(')-SHUR-] * [ Luz] * [ (aka Bethel) - - Genesis 28:19 (h3870) - LUHZ] * [ Lycaonia - Lycao'nia - Acts 14:6 (g3071) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uh, lik'ay-OH-nee-uh, -OHN-yuh] * [ Lycaonian - Lycao'nian - Acts 14:11 (g3072) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uhn, lik'ay-OH-nee-uhn] * [ Lydda - Lyd'da - Acts 9:38 (g3069) - LIH-duh, LID-uh] * [ Lydia - Lyd'ia - Acts 16:14 (g3070) - LID-ee-uh] * [ Lysanias - Lysa'nias - Luke 3:1 (g3078) - li -SAY-nee-uhs, lih-] * [ Lysias (Claudius) - Lys'ias - Acts 23:26 (g3079) - LIS-ee-uhs] * [ Lysimachus* - - it "Alexander" - li -SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ Lystra - Lys'tra - Acts 14:6 (g3082) - LIS-truh] *. and Eng. ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y); YAW or YAH (listen)] * [ Jahaziel - Jahazi'el - 2 Chronicles 20:14 (h3166) - jay'hay-ZI -uhl, juh'huh-ZI -uhl] * [ Jahveh*] * [ (compare Jahweh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - - w57 4/15 230 - YAH-veh, -vay (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jahweh*] * [ (compare Jahveh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - - w80 2/1 6 - YAH-weh, -way (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jain* - - sh 104 - JI N] * [ Jainism* - - sh 104 - JI -niz(')-uhm] * [ Jair - Ja'ir - Judges 10:3 (h2971) - JAY-uhr] * [ Jairus - Ja'irus - Mark 5:22 (g2383) - JAY-ih-ruhs, JAY-uh-ruhs] * [ Jambres - Jam'bres - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2387) - JAM-breez, -briz] * [ James - James (Bible book) - James 1:1 (g2385) - JAYMZ] * [ Jannes - Jan'nes - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2389) - JAN-eez, -iz] * [ Janus* - - rs 180 - JAY-nuhs, not JAN-uhs] * [ Japheth - Ja'pheth - Genesis 5:32 (h3315) - JAY-fith, JAY-feth, not JAY-pith] * [ Jared - Ja'red - Genesis 5:15 (h3382) - JAY-red] * [ Jason - Ja'son - Acts 17:5 (g2394) - JAY-suhn] * [ Javan - Ja'van - Genesis 10:2 (h3120) - JAY-vuhn, JAY-van] * [ javelin] * [ (shield, spear, sword in some Bibles) - javelin - Joshua 8:18 (h3591) - JAV-lin, -luhn, JAV-uh-lin, -luhn] * [ Jebus - Je'bus - Judges 19:10 (h2982) - JEE-buhs] * [ Jebusite - Jeb'usite - Genesis 10:16 (h2983) - JEB-yoo-si t('), -yuh-, -zi t] * [ Jeconiah - Jeconi'ah - Esther 2:6 (h3204) - jek'uh-NI -uh] * [ Jedaiah - Jeda'iah - Zechariah 6:14 (h3048) - jih-DAY-yuh, juh-DAY-uh] * [ Jedidah - Jedi'dah - 2 Kings 22:1 (h3040) - juh-DI-duh, jih-] * [ Jedidiah] * [ (aka Solomon) - Jedidi'ah - 2 Samuel 12:25 (h3041) - jed'uh-DI -uh] * [ Jeduthun - Jedu'thun - 2 Chronicles 5:12 (h3038) - juh-DYOO-thuhn, jih-] * [ Jegar-sahadutha - Je'gar-sahadu'tha - Genesis 31:47 (h3026) - jee'guhr-say-huh-DOO-thuh, JEE-gahr-say'huh-DYOO-thuh, -DYOO-thuh] * [ Jehoahaz - Jeho'ahaz - 2 Kings 10:35 (h3059) - juh-HOH-uh-haz, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoash] * [ (Joas, Joash in some Bibles) - Jeho'ash - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3101) - juh-HOH-ash, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoiachin - Jehoi'achin - 2 Kings 24:6 (h3078) - juh-HOI-uh-kin, jih-, jee-, not -HOH-, not -chin] * [ Jehoiada - Jehoi'ada - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3077) - juh-HOI-uh-duh, jih-] * [ Jehoiakim - Jehoi'akim - 2 Kings 23:34 (h3079) - juh-HOI-uh-kim, jih-] * [ Jehonadab] * [ (Jonadab in many Bibles) - Jehon'adab - Jeremiah 35:8 (h3082) - jih-HON-uh-dab, not jih-HOH-nuh-dab] * [ Jehonathan] * [ (Jonathan in many Bibles) - Jehon'athan - Jeremiah 37:15 (h3083) - jih-HON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jehoram - Jeho'ram - 1 Kings 22:50 (h3088) - juh-HOR-uhm, jih- jee-] * [ Jehoshabeath] * [ (aka Jehosheba) - Jehoshab'eath - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3090) - jee'hoh-SHAB-ee-ath] * [ Jehoshaphat - Jehosh'aphat - 1 Kings 15:24 (h3092) - juh-HOSH-uh-fat, jih- not -HOH-shuh-] * [ Jehosheba] * [ (aka Jehoshabeath) - Jehosh'eba - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3089) - juh-HOSH-uh-buh, jih-, -ee-buh, -ih-buh] * [ Jehoshua] * [ (aka Joshua) - Jehosh'ua - Numbers 13:16 (h3091) - jih-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Jehovah - Jehovah, it Jeho'vah - Genesis 2:4 (h3068) - jih-HOH-vuh (listen), juh-, not jee-HOH-ver] * [ Jehovah-jireh - Jeho'vah-ji'reh - Genesis 22:14 (h3070) - juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ruh, juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ree] * [ Jehovah-nissi - Jeho'vah-nis'si - Exodus 17:15 (h3071) - juh-HOH-vuh-NIS-i , jih-, not -NIS-ee] * [ Jehovah-shalom - Jeho'vah-sha'lom - Judges 6:24 (h3073) - juh-HOH-vuh-SHAY-lom, jih-, not -shah-LOHM] * [ Jehozadak] * [ (aka Jozadak) - Jehoz'adak - Ezra 3:2 (h3136) - juh-HOZ-uh-dak,jih-] * [ Jehu - Je'hu - 1 Kings 16:1 (h3058) - JEE-hyoo, often JEE-hoo, not JAY-hyoo, -hoo] * [ Jehudi - Jehu'di - Jeremiah 36:21 (h3065) - juh-HOO-di , jih-HYOO-, jee-] * [ Jemimah] * [ (also Jemima) - Jemi'mah - Job 42:14 (h3224) - juh-MI -muh, jih-, jee-] * [ Jephthah - Jeph'thah - Judges 11:1 (h3316) - JEF-thuh, not JEP-thuh] * [ Jephunneh - Jephun'neh - Numbers 13:6 (h3312) - juh-FUHN-uh, jih- not -FOON-] * [ jerboa] * [ (field-mouse, mice, mouse, rat in some Bibles) - jerboa - Leviticus 11:29 (h5909) - juhr-BOH-uh] * [ Jeremiah - Jeremiah (Bible book), it Jeremi'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h3414) - jer'uh-MI -uh] * [ Jericho - Jer'icho - Joshua 2:1 (h3405) - JER-uh-koh] * [ Jeroboam - Jerobo'am - 1 Kings 11:40 (h3379) - jer'uh-BOH-uhm] * [ Jerome* - - it "Versions" - juh-ROHM] * [ Jerubbaal] * [ (aka Gideon) - Jerubba'al - Judges 6:32 (h3378) - jih'ruhb-BAY-uhl, jee-ruh-, jer'uh-BAY-uhl, -BAYL, jer-uhb-BAYL] * [ Jerusalem - Jerusalem, it Jeru'salem - Joshua 10:1 (h3389) - juh-ROO-suh-luhm, jih-, -zuh-] * [ Jerusha - Jeru'sha - 2 Kings 15:33 (h3388) - jih-ROO-shah] * [ Jeshimon - Jeshi'mon - Numbers 23:28 (h3452) - juh-SHI -mon, jih-] * [ Jeshurun - Jesh'urun - Deuteronomy 32:15 (h3484) - JESH-yoo-ruhn, JESH-uh-ruhn] * [ Jesse - Jes'se - Ruth 4:17 (h3448) - JES-ee] * [ Jesus - Jesus, it Je'sus - Matthew 1:1 (g2424) - JEE-zuhs, -zuhz] * [ Jesus ben-Sirach* - - it "Apocrypha" - jee'zuhs ben-SI -ruhk] * [ Jether - Je'ther - Judges 8:20 (h3500) - JEE-thuhr] * [ Jethro - Jeth'ro - Exodus 3:1 (h3503) - JETH-roh] * [ Jew - Jew - Esther 2:5 (h3064) - JOO] * [ Jewess - Jewess - Acts 24:24 (g2453) - JOO-es, -is, -uhs (sometimes offensive)] * [ Jewish - Jewish - Nehemiah 5:1 (h3064) - JOO-ish] * [ Jewry] * [ (Judah or Judea in most Bibles) - ("Judah" in Daniel 5:13 NW; "Judea" in Luke 23:5 NW) - Daniel 5:13 KJ (h3061); Luke 23:5 KJ (g2449) - JOO-ree] * [ Jezebel - Jez'ebel - 1 Kings 16:31 (h348) - JEH-zuh-bel', JEZ-uh-bel(')] * [ Jezreel - Jez'reel - Hosea 1:4 (h3157) - JEZ-ree-uhl, -el', -rih-el] * [ jinn*] * [ (also djinn or djin) - - it "Goat-shaped Demon" - JIN] * [ jinni*] * [ (also djinni) - - w52 5/1 278 - JEEN-ee, JIN-ee, juh-NEE] * [ Joab - Jo'ab - 2 Samuel 3:29 (h3097) - JOH-ab] * [ Joah - Jo'ah - Isaiah 36:3 (h3098) - JOH-uh] * [ Joahaz - Jo'ahaz - 2 Chronicles 34:8 (h3099) - JOH-uh-haz, JOH-a-haz] * [ Joakim - ("Jehoiakim" in NW) - Daniel 1:1 DRB (h3079) - JOH-uh-kim] * [ Joanna - Joan'na - Luke 8:3 (g2489) - joh-AN-uh] * [ Joash - Jo'ash - Hosea 1:1 (h3101) - JOH-ash] * [ Job - Job (Bible book) - Job 1:1 (h347) - JOHB, not JAHB] * [ Jobab - Jo'bab - Genesis 10:29 (h3103) - JOH-bab] * [ Jochebed - Joch'ebed - Exodus 6:20 (h3115) - JOK-uh-bed('), -ee-bed] * [ Joel - Joel (Bible book), it Jo'el - Joel 1:1 (h3100) - JOH-uhl] * [ Johanan - Joha'nan - Jeremiah 43:2 (h3110) - joh-HAY-nuhn] * [ Johannine* - - w93 10/15 28 - joh-HAN-i n', -in] * [ John - John (Bible books) - Matthew 4:21 (g2491) - JON] * [ Joiada - Joi'ada - Nehemiah 13:28 (h3111) - JOI-uh-duh, JOI-a-duh not JOH-] * [ Jonadab] * [ (compare Jehonadab) - Jon'adab - Jeremiah 35:6 (h3122) - JON-uh-dab] * [ Jonah - Jo'nah (Bible book) - Jonah 1:1 (h3124) - JOH-nuh] * [ Jonas - ("Jonah" in NW) - Jonah 1:1 DRB (h3124) - JOH-nuhs] * [ Jonathan - Jon'athan - 2 Samuel 1:4 (h3083) - JON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jonath-elem-rechokim] * [ (A Silent Dove in the Distance, Concerning the silent dove, On the Dumb Dove far off, Silent Dove in Distant Lands in some Bibles) - ("Silent Dove among those far away" in NW) - Psalm 56 superscription KJ (h3128) - joh'nuth-ee'luhm-rih-KOH-kim] * [ Joppa - Jop'pa - Ezra 3:7 (h3305); Acts 9:36 (g2445) - JOP-uh, JOP-ah] * [ Jordan - Jordan, it Jor'dan - Genesis 13:10 (h3383); Matthew 3:5 (g2446) - JOR-duhn, JAWR-dn, JORD-uhn, not JER-duhn] * [ Joseph - Joseph, it Jo'seph - Genesis 30:24 (h3130); Matthew 1:16 (g2501) - JOH-sif, JOH-sef, -suhf, -zuhf] * [ Josephus* - - it "Chronology" - joh-SEE-fuhs] * [ Joshua] * [ (aka Jehoshua) - Joshua (Bible book), it Josh'ua - Joshua 1:1 (h3091) - JOSH-yoo-uh, -oo-, JAH-sh(uh-)wuh] * [ Josiah - Josi'ah - 1 Kings 13:2 (h2977) - joh-SI -uh] * [ Josue - ("Joshua" in NW) - Joshua 1:1 DRB (h3091) - JOS-yoo-ee, jos-OO-ee] * [ Jotham - Jo'tham - 2 Kings 15:32 (h3147) - JOH-thuhm] * [ Jovian* - - g92 9/8 6 - JOH-vee-uhn] * [ Jozadak] * [ (aka Jehozadak) - Jo'zadak - Nehemiah 12:26 (h3136) - JOH-zuh-dak] * [ Jubal - Ju'bal - Genesis 4:21 (h3106) - JOO-buhl, JOO-bal] * [ Jubilee - Jubilee - Leviticus 25:10 (h3104) - JOO-buh-lee('), joo-buh-LEE] * [ Judaic* - - w95 3/1 23 - joo-DAY-ik] * [ Judaism - Ju'daism - Galatians 1:13 (g2454) - JOO-duh-iz'uhm, JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judaize* - - w93 2/15 28 - JOO-duh-i z('), JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judas - Judas, it Ju'das - Matthew 13:55 (g2455) - JOO-duhs] * [ Jude - Jude (Bible book) - Jude 1 (g2455) - JOOD] * [ Judea] * [ (also Judaea) - Jude'a - Matthew 2:1 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uh] * [ Judean] * [ (also Judaean) - Jude'an - John 3:22 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uhn] * [ judge - judge - Genesis 16:5 (h8199) - JUJ, JUHJ] * [ Judges, judges - Judges (Bible book), judges - Judges 2:16 (h8199) - JUHJ-iz] * [ judgment - judgment - Leviticus 19:15 (h4941); Matthew 7:2 (g2917) - JUHJ-ment, often -muhnt] * [ judicial - judicial - Exodus 21:1 (h4941) - joo-DISH-uhl,- DIH-shuhl] * [ Judith - Ju'dith - Genesis 26:34 (h3067) - JOO-dith] * [ Julia - Julia, it Ju'lia - Romans 16:15 (g2456) - JOO-lee-uh, often JUHL-yuh] * [ Julian* - - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - JOOL-yuhn] * [ Julius - Julius, it Ju'lius - Acts 27:1 (g2457) - JOO-lee-uhs, often JOOL-yuhs] * [ Junias] * [ (Junia in some Bibles) - Ju'nias - Romans 16:7 (g2458) - JOO-nee-uhs] * [ Jupiter] * [ (Zeus in some Bibles) - ("Zeus" in NW) - Acts 14:12 KJ (g2203) - JOO-puh-tuhr] * [ jurisdictional - jurisdictional - Esther 1:1 (h4082) - juhr'uhs-DIK-shnuhl, -shuh-nuhl] * [ justification - justification - Romans 5:18 (g1347) - juhs'tuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn, -fih-] * [ Justinian* - - g94 5/15 8 - juh-STIH-nee-uhn] * [ Justin Martyr* - - w92 3/15 28 - JUS-tin MAHR-tuhr] * [ Justus - Justus - Acts 1:23 (g2459) - JUHS-tuhs] * [ Juvenal* - - w96 12/15 6 - JOO-vuh-nuhl, JOO-vuh-nl] *.

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