knights of pen and paper 2 best teamknights of pen and paper 2 best team

So if Sudden Death sounds like a lovely way to vaporize your enemies to you, put 1 point in this. It's not like you can spare the offensive power a vine-loving or bear-becoming Druid could bring, but trust me, you'll want the extra defense. But it's still mighty fine. For bosses the Barbarian will fill in with his Weakness-inducing Axe Criticals. 149 73. No biggie, fine. Guide for Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition - Party Setup. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Weakness, Weakness, Weakness. Senses, however, only affects Critical and Initiative. You just can't find good evil help these days. So, unlike the above opus to one skill, this will be brief. For the record that's the Paladin, Warrior, Barbarian, Monk and Knight. However you feel about the whole "Investigate" mechanic in this game, you're gonna need many of the items you find this way, especially the immunity items. Also note this is pretty much completely worthless against bosses by itself, although you might get a solid squeeze in on them with someone else causing an irresistible Condition like Fire or the Warlock and Psion skills. Cloudy. Meaning your Mage or Warlock might not quite measure up to the perfect version of this skill, but they'll have another skill, like Lightning or Life Transfer, which really makes for a better player. Another user - will update and re-evaluate the usefulness of furniture and give some information. Doesn't Lightning hit up to 4 enemies for 104 damage each? Thing is, you'll be using Barrage of Knives pretty much exclusively. Still, having explained all that painstakingly, it's a lot of skill points for not that much impact. So being a Human Lab Rat Thief, just in this case, would be a very good choice. If you inflict Burn, Poison or Wound with this, it's at level 1-9 (1 point every 3 levels of the skill). This is a fine place to note that skills get an extra boost every 3 levels, so that's the multiple of which most of your skills (especially secondary skills) are going to be. Unlike the other two ways to get XP, what you get from mushrooms is precisely set - at 500XP (or 625XP, with the right Game Room choice). This is that, but better. The price is also decent. So, in theory, pretty great. Without it, it's still pretty great. So then he's not just an MP hog, but a healing hog, distracting your other players from getting on with the enemy pulverizing as they struggle just to keep the Druid in the fight. Just putting one point in this skill already makes your Knight a damage absorbing beast, the extra health and energy points are just gravy. After a resist roll, of course, which is the only reason this skill isn't profoundly godlike. "Non-boss enemies suffer Sudden Death from 1 or 2 less conditions" - So, you might have noticed earlier, several times during the class descriptions, how I talked about hunting for Sudden Death and building your Knight or Ninja or Barbarian to maximum critical-ness so they can Sudden Death the bejeesus out of everything. One good thing is that this is the rare kind of team that doesn't need the Go Set in the game room to improve certain group attacks, meaning you can have your Dice Collection to improve their attributes. If you max this skill you'll have a respectable Critical chance, but the Ninja, Barbarian and Knight are all better at it, and her other skills are definitely worth investing in. But that fits the feel of the game really, so I can't complain. The healing can't hurt, and the energy regen, mild as it is and in addition to the Cleric's, will ensure this team never, no really never, runs out of steam. However, by the end of a full playthrough, you'll have a couple to several thousand gold (depending on how profligate you've been), which carries over to your next game, so, long story short, any gold boost items or abilities are kind of a waste of space. It's up to you how to split points between this and Smoke Bomb, but this is your single-target-blasting skill. The other conditions can work well when you inflict them, but the enemy versions are almost invariably weak (very low damage per turn), and so you'll barely even notice them. Most of my teams need other perks though, but still at 5 per battle that's only 6 (or 3) fights and you'll know all there is to know. Now, if you look at the damage, here in this game, you may well be disappointed at first. Some synergies are obvious, like A requires B (Barrage of Knives requires Fireball or Smite to spread the conditions). Knights of Pen & Paper 2: KYY Games picks up the developer mantle this time for the sequel to the beloved tabletop parody RPG for iOS and Android. Lastly, increasing your Body attribute (through rings and other trinkets), also boosts your Damage, which is then again an amplified bonus with all the skills and criticals and whatnot. But now, there are only two places left to go, so each monster now has a 50% chance of no flippin' damage. So unless you want a small bonus to Initiative or Critical, just leave the Arcade choice set here. Kyy Studios took over development of this sequel. If you spend your diamonds here, you could probably directly purchase gold. Mind invasion is a jolly good skill with pretty good damage, and it'll help with your acrobatic Monk, especially when the Confuse is resisted and Rage is inflicted instead, because Confuse ignores Threat. But if you're in a tough fight and the Warrior can't handle any more agro, or an easy fight with a slew of weaklings filling the field, Cleave will serve beautifully. Which means it's a weak version of Touch of Blight or Frostbite, but with conditions that actually have good stacking damage. The only drawback is the relative monotony of your strategy. A legitimate third option would be to level Rampage and Frenzied Strike about equally, so you get half of the best of both worlds. Meaning, a class based in theory on the Senses attribute. But you should know the basics. The only reason I can come up with for this doing less damage than the other magic-user skills is as an offset to his passive skill, which can get up to 224 with 7 guys to hit with it, so 328 total possibly damage with both skills maxed. And this is the only character that can cause group Weakness, and the only way at all other than weapon crits and the Warlock's 1-in-7-chance-of-this-condition skill. In no gaming universe ever created does the Paladin not have this skill. If not well, bet you're sorry you bothered reading this whole thing, aren't you? At the end of the game. Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition. If you really want a condition-impervious team you could make your Cleric a Surfer, making him (almost certainly) immune to Stun, but the absence of a Mind boost will be felt. Why'd you do that to him!? So while you might be tempted to put just 1 point here so you have a backup HP reserve, you're much better off using Lay on Hands as a defensive skill and just not let your HP get to zero (which is what everyone else is doing anyway). Point made. Meaning you'll be looking for the lowest level enemies on the screen and cast this on them, often with a one hit (well, technically 3 hit) kill. Which will also mean another 3 quests, or 4 maybe can't recall, so more XP. This aptly named skill is what your Knight will use first, every time, in every battle. "Slightly better item drops" - Increasing party level when calculating item drops, +1 per table level up to +5. Without your Go Set, that Fireball and that Barrage of Knives most often won't hit all the baddies, especially as the fight goes on and you pick them off. There's a third kind actually, which is neither a spell or a weapon, which only the specialists (Thief and others) have and it's not a good thing. The only difference is Smite applies Weakness to almost all enemies and Guiding Strike gives Paladin extra threat. So, remember that Cleave skill? Just a bow. "Meh" items are the pretty pointless ones, and largely qualify as such because there is no scaling - like Damage Reduction +2, which is significant for your first 10 levels or so, and pretty meaningless after that - but still it's a bonus. If it does hit with all three bolts, this is the highest unmodified single target damage in the game. "Shield action restores 50 Health & Energy per table level" - The Thief could benefit from this, with her automatic blocking, even a bit later in to the game. Join the retro RPG world of Paperos - become a Knight of Pen and Paper in the newly revamped "Free Edition"! Now all this makes Bulwark totally at home in the SAKA realm already, but just to make it even better, he also regenerates up to 9 Health and Energy for everyone else each time this is used. But still this is going to be better than your elf's MP boost in the long run (actually, not even that long - you'll make up those 20 MP by about level 6), and then you get that extra skill point. Now, here's where it gets tricky, because your Threat Percentage is relative to the rest of your team. The glory here is that even at relatively low levels, you can do massive damage with this. But again, while the damage boost ultimately is just a nice gesture, knowing more about them helps your gameplay if you let it and it's also just fun to know, I think. What's awesome and unique about it is that you get a free attack with it, every time you get hit. The ability to harness the power of Chi and blow down small straw houses in one blow? What you get here is pretty good though as, unlike the Hunter's hat which only works for him, you can cast this on anyone and grant them immunity from the next attack they get. Where the Paladin and the Warlock have failed, the Knight triumphs. Which isn't that far. The Health is inconsequential, practically, but the Energy regen is only a third of what the Cleric provides, and if they're both on your team kiss your MP worries goodbye. The good news is that, with the last update, there are 3 new caves with 3 levels each, and each of those corresponding to a range of levels of monsters. So Technically it's possible to Sudden Death with Ninja Alone. "Enemy Damage Reduction -10% per table level" - up to -50%. And rarely will your guys need that much individual healing, especially at the start of a fight, so there's no fiddling with the math to feel better about things. One of my favorite things about this skill is that it's, finally, another row-affecting skill, to compliment the Warrior and Mage skills. The Mage and Monk skills are only for their own selves, and there's the Cheerleader Thief when she gets hit, and the Game Room blocking thing for individuals, but they're pretty weak. So this one is pretty original in that, along with the Druid, it adds only the second proper warding spell in the game (I don't think the Hunter's hat counts, because he can't use it on anyone else). Also based on my first playthrough with the Max Carnage Party, I always mantain 20 health potions, 20 life potions and 20 feathers which will be much, much more than sufficient for any battle or dungeons. Yes, you can bring him up to 10 or 12 body or whatever, but he's still gonna feel paper thin compared to any of the Fighters and what they can handle because the body boost doesn't actually add HP and there's no synergy skill like the Barbarian has to take care of that. This skill gives him a boost to his attributes when, and only when, he's enraged. As a support Cleric is the best class out there, but Warlock and Druid have those capabilities too. Once you know that XP works in the above 3 ways, really, you know all you need to know. Lot 1174: Estimate: 60/90. I am not sure that the surfer on the barbarian would be a wise choice, however. At least until the mid-late game where a few unique items come into play. The whole game feels more complete with it, it's more fun and challenging if you start it at level 14 as designed (not level 25 or whatever), and at the end of it you get the Monk! Now go to the Play Store and look for "Knights of Pen and Paper 3.". Perhaps this is a curse shared with the Exchange Student, because both that player and this class require nothing more from you to unlock than a paltry sum of gold. The only problem I see is that it competes with the Red Sofa (which provides +25% damage). Do that and just move on with every filled entry. To be clear, the shield action does nothing in the moment, no damage reduction. With one major exception, he doesn't get tougher, and that's the problem here. The biggest damage dealers, the Ninja and Barbarian, built well and strong with the Criticals (and the Druid what with the two bear attacks per turn - so long as he can keep the frenzy up), are going to be delivering a punishing 300-400 damage each turn. Nevertheless, the damage starts off pretty weak and only gets up to 128%. 20 October 2015 - 12:57:00 UTC (8 years ago) Store Hub PCGW Patches. This is very not true. This team has 3 casters and 1 specialist with a caster-like build, so Mind points will be in short supply, and potions will abound. 'Cause you don't need a Mage with a less powerful side-kick second mage in your team, really. So the first part of the formula is: follow the main quests, and avoid every single side quest. This will maximize the critical hit% of the Knights True Strike to almost close to 100% without needing Bulwark. Okay, so 1 point for Body and 2 for Senses. If Critical and Initiative are what you're going for, ain't nothin' better. But most of the time the majority of the group in any battle is gonna get hit with this. Still, more HP with that 1 Body point (although more Threat too - booo!). But that ability, that beautiful ability, which lets him ignore the armor penalties on your energy. Conditions and Criticals are not the primary focus here, nor is tweaking the whole thing to get maximum possible carnage; just good solid steady damage and regenerating, ensuring you'll get through everything even if it takes a few more turns than other more offensive teams: Your classic basic fighter, with a skill for bosses, and a skill for groups. Teams. Your special skill here is dragging a back row opponent to the front (unless they resist). Tables deserve special mention because it's the one item that carries over to the gaming world, front and center on the screen. So, if you're me, this is why you brought the Thief to the party. However you use this, with his single damage skill, protection skill, or shuffle-the-enemy-like-a-deck-of-cards skill, it's worthwhile, effective, a good combo, and the animation is about as cool as it gets. Also less attractive as a 3 point skill because they can resist this, and at level 3 it's only -2 to their roll. The AI in this game is not clever (or perhaps just not ruthless) enough to focus all damage on one character to wipe them out (which is what you'll mostly be doing to the enemy). Perhaps be more diligent in future, ensuring that you understand the full context before hitting that delete button (or backspace more likely backspace probably - either way). So what this does is add up to +16 Initiative and +56 damage to a weapon attack against enemies with full health. At level 40, that's about 40 x 32 (1280) more potential HP. While this is all a little sad, it makes sense, as the specialists are nearly defined by sacrificing damage at the expense of the special qualities of their skills and overall greater versatility. Team types: AoE:This build is able to dish out lots of area of effect damage and includes Shaman, Bard, Warrior, Wizard, and Cleric. Which, again, means more skill-time for your fighters. Shred some stuff up! So I'd go with Backstab just because it often means you strike first and the Paladin will strike close to last, meaning on your second turn you can get double damage on most of the monsters without giving them time for a second resistance roll. One good aspect though is that unlike any other skill but the Hunter's (and Burn from anyone), there is no resistance roll to what you inflict. It's at least better than the Warlock's Life Steal, but that's a pretty low bar. Which means, if you have seven opponents on the field, you can heal for 224 HP - which is a lot but still less than the Paladin or Cleric skills. A Mage with Lightning and Arcane Flow maxed out is going to be impressive in the game from start to finish, but the other casters (and "casting" specialists) are gonna start to fall behind their weapon wielding compatriots the further along they all get. The Burn is proportional, so 32 maxed out, and it stacks, and gets harder to resist every 3 levels. So, all that considered, if you want to skip this skill, you wouldn't be wrong in doing so. Just lets you attack the back row (and be more threatening and stuff). Your Cleric is definitely the premier energy boosting specialist. "You can set up fights with 1/2 more enemies" - I'm not much into setting up fights, I'm happy just following the story. A Cheerleader with a thick beard just makes me chuckle. Mar 31, 2020 - Project CARS 2, Fable Anniversary, the Knights of Pen and Paper, and Toybox Turbos are on the way! Group attacks will find you, dragon's breath will make it quite the challenge to Sudden Death one of them, and the Crystal Caverns seem specifically designed to give Ninja's like this nightmares. Reward: Mirror of Inward Reflection. That's close to Frostbite damage and totally worth the MP it costs to cast. So if you want to make sure you really suck the XP well dry, save the most menial tiny quests for the very last. A few suggestions on building a great team. But still, you can legitimately level this a little once you have Radiance and Purge up to a level you're happy with, this is then a good third skill to use when you want your MP but don't need no HP. If all you've got is casters, it's gonna be a tough slog. HDO:HDO or High Damage Output is really self explanatory, lots of damage, and consists of the Wizard, Rogue . I don't know what it is, but Druids just have this thing with vines. In theory, great. And really that's the best case scenario here and a solid build. Ahh the mage. Inflicting conditions on criticals, added threat or range or whatnot. But in either case, you'd be better off just damaging the enemy to get the fight over with - protect your peeps through offense. Right now. Other than that, he'll be your new defensive combatant extraordinaire. Admittedly, sometimes it's a good move to Take Cover only because it lets you skip a turn, thereby not killing that Zombie who's literally on his last leg after you've wiped out the rest of his cohort and you want your Cleric or Paladin to get one more heal in before you move on to the next room in the dungeon. The closest thing I played are tic-tac-toe and MASH. Except, of course, for the "1 point ward" build - which makes everything hunky dory, because then the toughness issue isn't an issue when you can ward yourself from all damage over half the time. I think my favorite part about this skill is not only it's name, but how the Conditions it inflicts reflect what the name implies. Get Radiance maxed, Restoration will be your main heal and you'll want a few points in purge to save you from confused debuffs. Clearly a fighter (2 Body), but that 1 point in Mind makes him just that much better if you want a fighter who's blasting away with skills all day - like the Warrior and Paladin and skill-intense Barbarian, or not like the Monk and (dumb as a post) Barbarian. . This, right here, used to be how you got the highest possible critical chance in the game. Experience is never bad. This lets you restore energy to your compadres, but passively, meaning it happens automatically when you use any of your active skills. Meaning at level 1 you kill 5 Rat Traps, and you level up just with that. Now, of course, use this with Psychosomatics and you have the tactical gratification of protecting and damaging at the same time. Weakness my friend. I'll just come out and say it, this is your best choice (most bang for your buck), for any class (with the possible exception of the "pure Rage" Barbarian). 2,115 314. You've already had a taste of my Goth hate, so no surprises coming. To be specific, that's 208 extra health and 9 damage reduction at skill level 24. But in addition to the shuffle-palooza, each enemy takes up to 80 damage. Which is about 3 times his normal. I'm going to number the players 1 through 5, because why not, although this would also be the order in which you should accumulate players. So a Paladin spamming this skill makes your fights pretty dang easy. An introductory article reports that the 'cricket season of 1884-5 has been remarkable for a growing lack of. 7 Points bulwark for the threat boost, and currently 14 in True strike. So when you get a second action in a turn, which will be almost all the time later in the game, cast this ward on someone in your team (probably the tank {which might be you, if your a big green bear}) as your second action. The absolute best case scenario here is a high level Ninja with Shadow Chain healing for 750 Health each turn. "Gain +1 bonus to Escape rolls per level" - up to +5. I think I've already established the general superiority of Stun as a condition, and in addition to some very good damage (136 at max level), you'll stun your hapless victim as well. Go to Big Town to continue quest. Your only weakness then is Vanish, which will keep you at 1 Threat no matter how big of a stick you carry, until you get hit that is. Level Hail of Arrows and Ambush together so the casting cost stays low, and watch her blossom from a grub-like 3 target wiffle-batter to a full battlefield decimator when she finally gets going. What with the XP scaling, what it means is that your Exchange Student will consistently be 1 level above everyone else. With the Bookworm, again just following quest to quest, most of them will be complete. The third archetype. Thing is, Life Transfer is just a little too weak. There's no real tactical benefit here, it just mitigates the least enjoyable aspect of traveling around Paperos. And that weapon is the only 2 handed weapon in the game that adds no damage (and, I'll tell you right now, you're better off with the shuriken and anything else in his other hand). At least the basic basics - which are all covered in the game in the handy dandy guide they have anyway. Fireball is, well, what mages are all about. And with 3 fists it's just 50% more of the same and an equal waste. Wait, what? One thing to note though is that it's expensive to upgrade your weapons. Prepare to inhabit a world of chivalry, class warfare and off-beat pop references. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top . Each of the classes has four skills, one or two (sometimes three) of which are passive. See, Frenzied strike makes you heal yourself in addition to enraging you, for 104 HP at best. This is smart, unlike the Paladin who needs to nearly die for his skill to kick in at all or the Warlock who blows through energy like a crack addict does with his crack, and then starts drinking his own already small reserve of blood to do more crack (I mean, use magic). Combined with Ambush, in a perfect situation, you're doing 616 damage. 1. For a couple of playthroughs I've played with a tactically inferior table just because it looks nice. And that's just the half of it since, as your Ninja approaches max level and gets Shadow Chain up in levels, your direct damage, regardless of Criticals, is going to be massive. You can hit the back row, and maxed out you're doing 104 damage. And those statistics, if you don't mind me being nerdy here, actually get worse, assuming the program works linearly in time. The damage he does to his actual target isn't even that bad. But really that's just a gimmick that you won't be using, probably ever, as it would require everyone else to Take Cover in a turn (as if they were, like, sitting down by a tree as a group, pulling out a pipe and sharing it among the four of them while they lay out a picnic, at which point they glance over at the Knight facing 5 Ice Trolls, telling him: "You got this, man"). Unless it's a Dragon, in which case, thankfully, you'll have Touch of Blight handy. But the real magic here is the swap. Note from the author: Hello other user, thank you for adding to this guide. So this is good, but not great like Touch of Blight or Frostbite, and certainly nowhere near SAKA like Lightning. Instead of a damage modification though, he gets up to an 80% chance for a second action in the same turn. Added to that is the +16 Damage and +16 Threat, and if you make your Druid a Dwarf Jock, you will indeed be doing some very major damage here. So, again, why the hate, devs? The front too. As far as healing, this is going to be plenty, almost all the time. You'll go on an adventure to save the world from an evil villain. Download and install BlueStacks on your PC. Grappling Hook - good (great, just for me), Ambush (passive) - good, pretty great when fully leveled, Hail of Arrows - great, at least fully leveled up, Discipline (passive) - great (SAKA with the Rocker), Renewing Carapace - good (SAKA as a 1 point skill with Animal Companion), Feral Mauling - good (great if you're a Rocker & SAKA with the "1 point ward" build), Psychosomatics (passive) - SAKA (compared to other passive skills, that is), Sacred Table - until level 10 Solid, levels 10-20 Fine, after level 20 Meh, Black Leather Sofa - Meh (4/5 if you are poor on Diamonds), Kawaii Sofa - Meh (Clutch if going solo Knight as tank), Race Car Track - Fine (Solid before Level 20), Zebra Rug - WITNOGS (Solid if you are easily frustrated by ambushes), Confuser - Fine (Solid if aiming for sudden death), Board Game Collection - Fine (Solid once you have the Rabbit's Paw), Labeled Dresser - Fine (Solid before level 10), Miniature Game - Meh (Fine if you desire a full Bestiary), Go Set - Solid (Clutch if you rely heavily on area damage), Poker Table - Fine (Solid before level 10). If someone finds an instance let me know; it's not worth going through the bestiary and adding it up for each monster, comparing to each skill. Druid works on vines and animal companion so that they can potentially stun lock everything in the fight. Kill 5 Pannacotta Warriors in one or more battles to continue quest. I would fix the stats back to the non *20 values, but, sadly i am stuck owning Knights of pen and paper +1 on pc and only owning Knights of pen and paper 2 on my mobile, so i can not confirm those numbers, if someone can i urge them to og through the article and change the numbers to a x/(x*20) format. This also means you can spare him the energy cost of wearing armor, meaning more Decoys. Which, to boil it down, means that quests give the same reward to your party no matter when you complete them, unlike both reaping death and eating 'shrooms.

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